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Dr. So Juan N. Crenshaw
23rd Alabama State Director



Welcome to our 2024 Alabama State Leadership Conference website.

It is time to get excited as the Alabama State Association Executive Board and Area III host chapters prepare to invite each of you to the 2024 Alabama State Association Leadership Conference, which will be held at the Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center in Birmingham, Alabama, from November 14 to 17, 2024.

During our time together, we will pause and get back to the basics of putting members first and bolstering sisterly resilience, promoting sound governance and fiscal management to solidify organizational integrity, and elevating service delivery to ourselves and others to heighten community impact and support. Our leadership conference is the special time of year when we assemble to celebrate our achievements, a moment that fills us with pride and motivates us to continue our mission of scholarship and service and embrace the Power of S.H.E (Social, Health, and Economic Justice).


​​Your engagement is key to the success of our conference. We'd like to ask that you visit the conference website often to stay abreast of related updates and important announcements, and we look forward to seeing you in November.


Yours in Sisterhood and Service,





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Geographical Area #3
Niambi Bibb, Geographical Area Coordinator

Alpha Sigma Zeta, Birmingham

Beta Alpha Omega Zeta, St. Clair County

Beta Alpha Upsilon Zeta, Hale County

Beta Eta Zeta, Tuscaloosa

Epsilon Alpha Delta Zeta, West Jefferson County

Epsilon Gamma, Stillman College

Gamma Theta, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Iota Delta, Miles College

Iota Eta, University of Alabama

Lambda Theta Zeta, Aliceville

Lambda Zeta Zeta, Bessemer

Pi Tau Zeta, Northport

Psi Upsilon Zeta, Hoover

Tau Pi, University of Montevallo

Tau Xi, University of West Alabama

Theta Omega Zeta, Livingston

Host Area
Schedule -At-A-Glance


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 Thursday  - Workshops & Evening Social 

 â€‹Friday  - Workshops • Certifications • Opening Ceremony

 Saturday  - Business Sessions • Undergraduate Retreat

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